Articles on: Superproposal

How to add a custom section in Superproposal editor?

On the Superproposal editor page, click on the "Add section (+)" button, on the top-left corner of your screen.

Select the Page flow option and enter the section name. Click on 'Add Section' button.

Similarly, you can add Static section to your Superproposal document.

Once you add the section, it will appear under the section list on the left side of the screen.

A page flow section allows your text to run over onto a new blank page automatically if the content of page is more than one page.

You can re-order the sections you've added to your Superproposal document by clicking on the drag icons to the left of the sections.

After reordering the section, it will also appear in your Superproposal editor and client pdf with an updated sequence.

Updated on: 07/08/2024

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